Manufactures and Dealers of Stainless Steel Gas Deep Fryer

Stainless Steel Gas Deep Fryer Economic (GDFE1BFS-17)
Body Fully stainless steel constructed - body, hygienic and easy to keep clean.
Chrome plated mesh basket.
Stainless steel grid screen and drain pipe.
Burner with high thermal efficiency, low carbon monoxide emission.
Equipment wit thermocouple. If fire accidentally goes off, this safety device will automatically cut off gas supply.
Equipped with high limits safety device. Burner will automatically goes off if oil temperature exceed 230°C
The thermostat control allows us to select our ideal cooking temperature.
Suitable for LPG and NG.
Excel Refrigeration and Bakery Equipment
Phone: +91 80 41248926
#Bakery-Equipment-Bangalore #Bangalore #STAINLESS-STEEL-GAS-DEEP-FRYER #hygienic-and-easy-to-keep-clean
Excel Refrigeration and Bakery Equipment
Manufacturer of Food Warmer Display - Refrigeration & Bakery Equipment Bangalore